
 Dive into Colors Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 09/11/2023

At "Dive into Colors," we highly value your privacy and would like to inform you that our application does not collect any personal data. Your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us.

Data Collection and Usage

We want to assure you that we do not collect any personal information when you use the "Dive into Colors" application. You can enjoy our app without concerns about your privacy.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

We do not use cookies, pixels, web beacons, or similar technologies to track or gather any personal data. Our focus is solely on providing a safe and enjoyable user experience.


Our application is suitable for users of all ages, and we do not collect personal information from children under the age of 13 because we do not collect any personal information, to begin with.


Although we do not collect personal data, we are committed to the security of your information, and we maintain a high standard of data protection for your peace of mind.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Even though we don't collect any personal data, we may make changes to the policy for the sake of transparency or for other non-data-related reasons.


If you have any questions or comments about our privacy policy or the application, please contact us at [EMAIL ADDRESS].

Please be assured that your privacy and data protection are our priorities, and we will always operate in a manner that respects your rights.

Last Updated: 09/11/2023
